Why shopping at The Unemployed Philosophers Guild is safe:
We have taken many precautions to insure that shopping at The Unemployed Philosophers Guild is safe and secure. We use the industry-standard SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure that all credit card transactions are secure. The SSL system encrypts information that you submit to us via our Web site when you place an order. Encryption makes it extremely difficult for anyone to intercept information about you, your order, or your credit card information.
Order information
If you place an order through The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, we will ask you for your e-mail address, shipping address, telephone number and credit card information. We use this information to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status. All archived credit card information is maintained in a secure and safe environment. Telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are only used to contact you regarding your order, unless you request to receive our e-mail newsletter updates.
Use of cookies
The Unemployed Philosophers Guild uses "cookies" for the sole purpose of enabling online shopping.
A cookie is a feature of your Internet Web browser, and most browsers are configured to automatically accept cookies. Cookies are files that your Web browser places on your computer's hard drive and which assign a unique identification code to your computer. Cookies do not enable us to retrieve from your computer any additional personal information about you other than information that you knowingly and willingly provide to The Unemployed Philosophers Guild through the order process or through sign up.
Cookies are deleted once your order is completed or when three (3) days have elapsed.
Affiliate Program
The Unemployed Philosophers Guild uses 'Share a Sale' to manage our affiliate program. Click here for more information.
Privacy Policy
Click here for more information.
Sign up
We invite interested visitors to sign up for our mailing list to receive (very) occasional e-mail alerts about special offers and promotions. Again, we are committed to not selling, renting, or sharing your e-mail address with anyone.
Every email we send to you includes simple instructions on how to opt out of future communications in case you decide you no longer wish to receive emails from us. You can also review opt-out instructions below.
If you would prefer not to receive a catalog from The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, please see the opt-out instructions below. If you would prefer not to receive any information in the mail from other carefully screened companies, please send e-mail to us at Sales@upguild.com including your name and address or you may do the same by phone or mail, as detailed in the opt-out instructions below.
Opt out
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.
If you prefer to speak to us live, please call us at 718-243-9492. The Unemployed Philosophers Guild is open 10am to 6PM ET Monday through Friday. If you don't reach us, please leave us a message with your name and telephone number. We will respond to email and voice mail promptly.