Several religious traditions aver Angels are messengers from above. If you’d like to send a message, The Unemployed Philosophers Guild Religion Gifts collection prays you do so with a Quotable Notable greeting card set – via Angel and Moses – or spiritual poets Whitman, Dickinson, or Emerson. Record thoughts for your next life or the afterlife with Notes of the Buddha sticky notes. For the truly repentant, record infernal thoughts in a Hell notebook. If cleanliness is next to godliness, you may want to clean up with sudsy And Jesus Washed soap. (Pilate washed his hands without it… and he came to a sticky end.) Whether you strive for Enlightenment or memorize the Book of the Dead (a/k/a The Book of Going Forth by Day) or follow the Commandments, UPG sends you along your spiritual path with a light heart. So as not to antagonize matters… our mints are Kosher.