William Shakespeare Plush Doll



There's toys abroad: anon I'll tell thee more. – King John (Act I, sc. i)

Sure, Shakespeare could write some heavy stuff. But when he chose to lighten up, no one was more playful than The Bard. We think he would have loved our Shakespeare Little Thinker doll.

The Shakespeare Little Thinker makes a perfect gift for any student, writer, or actor.
In fact, Measure fo...

There's toys abroad: anon I'll tell thee more. – King John (Act I, sc. i)

Sure, Shakespeare could write some heavy stuff. But when he chose to lighten up, no one was more playful than The Bard. We think he would have loved our Shakespeare Little Thinker doll.

The Shakespeare Little Thinker makes a perfect gift for any student, writer, or actor.
In fact, Measure for Measure, this doll is as cute As You Like It so you’ll want to get a cuddly Shakespeare for yourself and you’ll remember All’s Well That Ends Well.

He is handsomely decked out in Elizabethan garb, from his boots right up to his ruffled collar.

Every 11” Little Thinker doll is distinctively dressed and wields a biographical tag with essential dates, acts, and a personal quote.

These plush companions are just as inspiring as they are cuddly because Little Thinkers are characters with character.


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